Exterior Painting in Sherrills Ford, North Carolina

Is it time to paint the exterior of your Sherrills Ford house? Is staining that neglected deck a "must" this season? Call Sherrills Ford's painting contractor of choice when it comes to quality exterior painting done right: Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co.. We offer quality exterior painting services and pricing that won't break the bank. What's more, our exterior painting crews have the skills, expertise and passion to paint just about any exterior surface you can come up with. From decks to shutters to gazebos and siding you need it painted, we'll get it done!

Call for Free Estimate

(704) 327-8937

Sherrills Ford, North Carolina's Exterior Painting Leader

Exterior painting in Sherrills Ford by Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co.With over 12 years in as a Sherrills Ford painting business, Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co. has been asked to paint lots of different exterior surfaces;  and we haven't yet seen a surface that we couldn't paint! Just a few of the exterior painting services we provide include:

  • Houses
  • Fences and Gates
  • Decks and Porches
  • Gazebos
  • Light Posts and Railings
  • Shutters, Trim and Fascia
  • Commercial Buildings

Exemplary Sherrills Ford Exterior Painting Services

Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co. has earned a solid reputation as a reliable Sherrills Ford painting contractor who completes every painting job to each customers highest satisfaction. Work is never rushed. Instead, we take the time to completely prep all exterior surfaces, cover landscaping and furniture and repair, sand and caulk before the first drop of paint reaches the surface. Once the painting your exterior begins, we'll use top quality paint that will keep the surface looking great for years to come. When you call Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co. for your next exterior painting job, you won't want to call different painter again!

House Painting in Sherrills Ford

The most commonly frequently painted exterior for Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co. painters is houses. Painting exterior homes in Sherrills Ford is our favorite work. Want to change the color of your house? Just ask. We can bring along color samples and help you select complimentary colors for your house, trim, shutters and doors. You'll delight in your newly painted Sherrills Ford house as much as we'll delight in painting it! Call (704) 327-8937 today for a free, reasonably priced quote.

Fence, Deck and Gate Staining in Sherrills Ford

Like painting, staining is commonly used to cover and protect exterior wood surfaces. Stains quality and choices have come a long way through the years. They they are much more durable than they have been in years past. In addition, there is a vast selection of hues and levels of opacity to choose from. Tell us the look you're going for, and Superior Painting Pros & Wall Covering, Co.'s Sherrills Ford deck staining crew can help you achieve it!

Call for FREE Exterior Painting Quote

(704) 327-8937


  • 5★★★★★ - "The two painter that came over today did an amazing job. I would use them again. Price was right and job was done well."

    , Exterior Painting in Charlotte, NC

  • 5★★★★★ - "Impeccable work! The owner really aims to please."

    , Painting Contractor in Gastonia, NC

  • 5★★★★★ - "Quality work!"

    , Cabinet Painting in Charlotte, NC

  • 5★★★★★ - "They do whatever it takes to make the job right."

    , House Painting in Charlotte, NC

  • 5★★★★★ - "Highly Recommend!! We had several large painting jobs that needed to be completed, one for a two-story foyer. The painters were very professional offering to remove their shoes and cover all exposed furniture and floors. Dante came by during the first painting job to ensure everything was to our liking, which showed that he valued our business. The painters did an amazing job and cleaned up everything when they were done."

    in Charlotte, NC

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(704) 327-8937

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